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joi, 21 aprilie 2011

Dendax wishes you the most Blessed and Happy Easter

As everyone knows, Easter is in a few days. This means a lot to all of us, whether we are religious or not.

For those who are Christians, Easter reminds resurrection of Jesus Christ - the rebirth and new beginning for the whole world. So each year at the Easter`s Lent is renovating not only our bodies but our souls, opening our minds for peace and good.

The Easter traditions must be kept alive and to share with our families and friends. The colored eggs and Easter cake, symbolized the holiday`s spirit, but also the red egg, that Maria Magdalena gave as sign for the resurrection of Jesus before more than 2000 years.

Today the Easter spirit is still dynamic, full of life and brings families happiness and joy.

For those for whom Easter is anything but not a religious holiday, it means chocolate eggs and more time to spend with relatives and friends.

But for all of us it is time that deserves to delight our families and relatives. I hope everyone enjoys and is happy Easter and all year round.

Dendax.com team wishes you a blessed and happy Easter, lot`s of love and success. We will be back at your services the next week, in Tuesday. We will be more than happy to help you return all your money, paid as taxes abroad.

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